PO BOX 4185 Atlanta, GA 30302

Together, we can make a difference


Make a single or recurring donation via Givelify, Paypal or by check.

Make checks payable to Community Concerns Inc at PO BOX 4185 Atlanta, GA 30302

 * To assist in the reunification of existing families and support systems. 

Tell us how you can fight homelessness.

Learn how you can get involved with Community Concerns.

Post it, tweet it, share it. The more people you tell, the more help we can receive.
CommunityConcerns,Inc."a holistic approach to end homelessness"

Together we can 

end homelessness 

Learn how we're helping to impact our community.



Make checks payable to Community Concerns Inc at

PO BOX 4185 Atlanta, GA 30302

Can't spend a dime? 
Then, spend some time... helping us help those in need.

The Mission of Community Concerns, Inc. is to engage those experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness and facilitate their movement to permanent housing and employment with a livable wage.

The following awards were presented to our Founder and President, Dr. James A. Milner

*Recognized as Outstanding Citizens and Goodwill Ambassador

   by The Secretary of State (Georgia)

* Recognized by Who's Who in Black America

* Charter Member of the American Association of Christian Councils

* Past President of Concerned Black Clergy
* Currently serves as Commissioner for the Regional Commission on Homelessness
*Appointed by the Governor as a member of the Georgia Commission

     of Service and Volunteerism

* Recognized by the United Young Adult Conference for "Unselfish Contributions

     to Improve the Quality of Life for All God's Children"

The following awards were presented to our premier program, Odyssey III:

*Odyssey III recognized for "Service to Humanity"

*Odyssey III recognized by Fulton County for "Outstanding Support and Service"